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A short film written for a production technique class at Marquette University. 


Claire and Dane are heading over to Claire's sisters apartment for dinner. Anna is an awful cook, but Dane refuses to believe Claire and Anna's boyfriend Jason with the claims. 


Claire and Dane take a bet to see who can stomach Anna's food the longest. The winner gets a prized gift he/she has been wanting, completely paid for by the loser. 

Haiti- 2013

A reflection of Rachel's first trip to Fond Blanc, Haiti where 53 orphans and villagers captivated her heart. 


Rachel's week was spent adding on a third floor to the orphanage and teaching and playing with all the kids while picking up some Creole of her own! 

Natural Family Camping

A 30-page television episode script for Modern Family written for a script writing class at Marquette University. 


The Dunphy and Prichett gang are gearing up for their annual family camping trip, hoping to have better success than the year before. Gloria stays back to care for baby Joe. Little do they know, Mother Nature has more plans this time around to make the family's bond grow even stronger. 


Haiti- 2014

Year two at the orphanage in Fond Blanc, Haiti consisted of continued building for the new church and refurbishing school and current church furniture. 


Rachel enjoyed seeing how much the children have grown. This year, one of the highlights was the kids being taught the "Uno" card game and seeing three or four games occuring around the orphanage. 

Haiti- 2015 

Rachel's third year in Fond Blanc, Haiti was her biggest one yet! A new kitchen and shower area was built in the orphanage and children's rooms were completely cleaned out and reorganized.


Rachel as well as other members of the Blessed Sacrament church were able to travel down to Cazale to volunteer in the "Real Hope for Haiti" rescue center for the day. 

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